Awards Process

Each award sponsored by CS-Can|Info-Can has a nominations process that is overseen by a Selection Committee comprising a panel of computer scientists from a variety of sub-disciplines of the field. The panels are appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the chair of the Awards Committee.


Awards for a particular calendar year are presented at a special Awards Banquet that is held in conjunction with the CS-Can|Info-Can Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the year following the calendar year associated with the award.

Nominations are welcome starting on September 1 of the award year.


All award recipients are invited to attend the Awards Banquet to receive their awards. Travel funds are provided to facilitate this. Award recipients will be contacted regarding travel arrangements as part of the notification process for awards.


Each award has specific eligibility requirements. Nominators should review the requirements to ensure that a nominee qualifies for an award.


Each award has specific requirements for documents that must be submitted in support of a nomination. Nominators should review the requirements to ensure that all required documents have been submitted.

Nominations are reviewed by panels comprising computer scientists from a variety of sub-disciplines of the field. All nomination material should be written appropriately for such an audience.

All documents must be in PDF format. Each document must have a file name that identifies nominee by first and last name, and also identifies the purpose of the document. A list of the documents and required file names for each award is provided in the Call for Nominations for the award.

Detailed requirements and a description of each award are provided in the Call for Nominations for each award. Nominators are encouraged to review those requirements and the general requirements on this page prior to preparing nominations.
Submissions must observe all page and word limits, which are always upper limits.


Nominations must be submitted by email to the email address associated with the award.

Supporting documents should be submitted as an email attachment in a single .zip archive file that contains all documents. Each individual document must be in PDF format and should have an appropriate name of the form NomineeLast-NomineeFirst-other-information.pdf as described in the Call for Nominations for the award. The archive file should be named in the attachment.


Some mail clients or mail servers do not allow large attachment files or particular types of attachments. This can be of concern when submitting the nominating materials. It is recommended that nominators send a follow-up email message after submitting the .zip archive file that contains the nomination materials. The follow-up email to the same email address used for the submission should not have any attachments, but should instead have single line of text: “A nomination for NomineeFirst NomineeLast has been submitted by email.” This will allow the Awards Committee to deal with emails that have been blocked at some point in the submission pipeline.

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