Executive Committee Marc Frappier President (2021-2024) Professor Université de Sherbrooke Bettina Kemme Vice President (2021-2024) Professor McGill University Doina Precup Past President (2021) Associate Professor McGill University Jonathan Schaeffer Treasurer (2021-2024) Prairies RepresentativeProfessor University of Alberta Olga Baysal Secretary (2022-2025) Director-at-LargeAssociate Professor Institute of Data ScienceCarleton University Departmental Members Joanne Atlee (2023-2026) Professor University of Waterloo Kevin Schneider (2022-2025) Professor and Department Head, University of Saskatchewan Directors At Large Hanan Lutfiyya (2021-2024) Professor and Chair Western University Andrea Bunt (2023-2026) Professor Department of Computer science University of Manitoba Ontario Representative Ziad Kobti (2022-2025) Director of The School of Computer Science University of Windsor Pacific Representative Mohamed Hefeeda (2023-2026) Professor in The School of Computer Science Simon Fraser University Atlantic Representative Vlado Keselj (2023-2026) Professor in The School of Computer Science Dalhousie University Student & Post Doc Advisory Committee Member Linda Wang (2023-2026) Student Board Member, CS-Can|Info-Can University of Waterloo