About Committees

The following is a list of the standing committees within the CS-Can|Info-Can.  Over time, a webpage will be established for each committee identifying the mandate, the list of existing committee members, as well as contact information for CS-Can|Info-Can members to use if they are interested in getting involved in that committee.


Research Committee

Chair: Bettine Kemme

McGill University

Conference Committee:

Chair: Marc Frappier

Université de sherbrooke

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

Chair: Joanne Atlee

University of Waterloo

Nominations Committee:

Chair: Hanan Lutfiyya

Western University

Outreach Committee:

Chair: Vacant

Student Affairs:

Linda Wang

University of Waterloo

Awards Committee:

Chair: Kelly Lyons

University of Toronto

Celebration of Women in Computing Conference:

Chairs: TBD

Industry Relations Committee

Chair: Kevin Schneider 

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