Student & Postdoc Advisory Committee (SPAC)

We are a committee of 8-12 elected students and postdocs attending Canadian universities who are working with CS-Can | Info-Can to advance Canadian computing research, education and innovation. Specifically, our mission is to foster and represent the community of Canadian Computer Science post-secondary students and postdoctoral fellows.

We are now having our 2023/2024 SPAC Elections! We are currently accepting nominations. The nomination period will run from November 8 – November 27, 2023.

Committee Membership

SPAC is comprised of 8-11 members, constituted as follows:
  • A Student Chair,
  • A Secretary,
  • An Undergraduate Representative,
  • A Graduate Representative,
  • A Postdoctoral-Fellow Representative,
  • A Women’s Representative,
  • An Indigenous Representative,
  • Up to three Members at Large.

Eligible Nominees

Any student (undergraduate or graduate) or postdoctoral fellow may be appointed to SPAC. Appointments are usually made for 2 year terms. Students and postdoctoral fellows must be enrolled in their program at the time of the election and shall be eligible to serve on the committee for up to twelve months after leaving their degree or program SPAC members are appointed with staggered terms, so not all positions will be available in any given year. All students and postdocs appointed to SPAC will be expected to meet at least once monthly to conduct the business of SPAC, and to contribute to SPAC’s activities, as needed.

Election and Nomination Procedure

Following the nomination period, all nominated candidates will be contacted to confirm whether or not they accept their nomination, and to submit additional information (e.g., name, picture, bio, platform). The SPAC Election will follow. All students and postdoctoral fellows currently pursuing a computing-related degree and a university in Canada will be eligible to vote. More information about how and when to vote will be made available following the nomination period.

Currently Open Positions

  • Student Chair
  • Indigenous Representative
For more information about SPAC’s membership, the duties of each member, and SPAC’s business, please see SPAC’s terms of reference.
Why should I join CS-Can?  Computer Science is a distinct science, characterised by its own concepts, methods, and body of knowledge. Computer and Information Scientists throughout Canada face many of the same challenges in research and teaching. CS-CAN/INFO-CAN provides an arena to discuss and coordinate strategic issues on research and education at a Canadian level. What benefits do I receive as a member? The benefits members receive include but are not limited to:
  • Scientific and professional networking
  • Celebration of outstanding achievements
  • CRA database access
  • Advocacy
  • Job board
  • Community building
How can I become a member? Ask your department if they already have a membership! If so, you can complete your profile and add yourself to the distribution list. Please visit this subsection of our CS-Can website for more detailed membership information:

Contact SPAC

Reach out to us at with any questions or inquiries! 

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