Funding Finder Tool

Profound Impact - Quickly and effortlessly match with applicable funding sources and corporate/industry partners

Profound Impact, a Canadian company with an experienced team of experts in data analytics, SaaS product development and commercialization, is proud to announce its new partnership with CS-Can|Info-Can. Based in the Toronto-Waterloo technology corridor, Profound Impact’s AI-powered tool, Research Impact, helps researchers find the perfect funding match. With over $300 billion in research funding opportunities worldwide and thousands of potential industry partners, finding the optimal grant for academic and industry innovators is often overwhelming and time-consuming. Profound Impact can help. More..

More than a search engine, Research Impact helps researchers quickly and effortlessly match with applicable funding sources and corporate/industry partners. Research Impact uses a sophisticated AI engine that automatically and intelligently combs through applicable partners and funding sources and overlays the researcher’s areas of research interest, providing relevant matches without the researcher ever having to search for themselves. This saves valuable time and effort for more important research-based activities at no cost to the researcher. A video demo is available here or you can sign up for a live demo here.

CS-Can|Info-Can and Profound Impact worked together to produce two webinars on research and industry collaboration. If you missed the live events, you can watch them on YouTube at Industry-Researcher Collaborations:  Benefits and Challenges and Industry-Researcher Collaboration:  Best Practices and Tools for Success

CS-Can|Info-Can members benefit from this partnership through access to a free evaluation of Research Impact. CS-Can|Info-Can member departments and academic faculties as well as individual researchers are eligible for the free benefit. Visit to sign up!

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