NSERC-CS-Can|Info-Can Liaison Committee

The NSERC-CS-Can|Info-Can Liaison Committee (LC) was established in 2011 to expand and strengthen interactions between NSERC staff and the Canadian academic computer science (CS) research community. In 2016, the national organization CS-Can/Info-Can was formally voted into existence and the LC began discussions about the best mechanism for continued interaction with NSERC. At the 2018 Annual General Meeting of CS-Can/Info-Can, the organization agreed that the LC in its current form should be replaced by regular liaison meetings between NSERC and CS-Can/Info-Can’s Research Committee. These Terms of Reference relate specifically to these liaison meetings, and not any other meetings the Research Committee may have as part of its mandate.

Liaison meetings between NSERC and the Research Committee may include, but are not limited to:

Member of the NSERC CS-CAN|INFO-CAN Liaison Committee



If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact our office. 

Gina van Dalen
Executive Director

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