School of Computing

James R. Cordy

Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. James R. Cordy has made high-impact research contributions in programming languages, software engineering, and artificial intelligence. His work has been widely published and cited, spun off to numerous companies, and made freely available through widely used public domain tools. His contributions are unique in that he has taken fundamental results in programming language theory, demonstrated how they can be used to build practical software engineering tools, and translated these tools into industrial practice.

Dr. Cordy is Emeritus Professor and past Director of the School of Computing at Queen’s University at Kingston, and a founding member of the Software Technology Laboratory at Queen’s University. Recent academic honours include the 20-year Most Influential Paper Award at SCAM 2019, the IEEE 19th International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, the 10-year Most Influential Paper Award at ICPC 2018, the IEEE/ACM 26th International Conference on Program Comprehension, the 10-year Most Influential Paper Award at SANER 2018, the IEEE 25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution & Reengineering, the 2016 Queen’s University Prize for Excellence in Research, and the 10-year Most Influential Paper Award at CASCON 2014, the IBM 24th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Dr. Cordy has a long record of active service to the computing community. He is a past member and chair of several national and international awards committees, an emeritus member of IFIP Working Group 2.4, an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a Senior Member of the IEEE, an IBM Visiting Scientist and Faculty Fellow, and a registered professional engineer. He is a past member and chair of the NSERC grant selection committee in computer science, past member of the NSERC E.W.R. Steacie fellowships committee, and past member and chair of the Ontario early research awards panel. He has served on scores of program committees and editorial boards, has been invited to give more than 10 keynote addresses, has chaired over 15 ACM and IEEE international conferences, and has refereed thousands of technical papers, books and monographs. He has 43 refereed journal publications, 164 refereed conference papers published in proceedings, and 20 books/chapters.

Dr. Cordy has been active in technology transfer. He served as President and CEO of TXL Software Research Inc. (2000-2003), was the Co-founder, Vice President and Chair of Legasys Corp. (1995-2000) and Co-founder and Director of Holt Software Associates Inc. (1986-2007).

In addition to these, he has actively worked closely with companies such as Bell Northern Research, IBM Canada and General Motors to facilitate their practical use of his research results.

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