Polytechnique Montréal

Foutse Khomh

Professor Khomh has developed pioneering work in the area of software maintenance and evolution. In particular, he has produced breakthrough research on the impact of developers’ design decisions on software quality. For example, his research work on the impact of design patterns and design anti-patterns on the quality of software systems has been cited more than 1,932 times according to Google scholar. His research has had a profound impact on his students, his department, his University, and the international community. He has written more than 150 refereed research papers that have been cited more than 3604 times.

Professor Khomh’s work has received three ten-year Most Influential Paper (MIP) Awards, five Best/Distinguished paper Awards, and more than fifteen nominations for Best Paper Awards. His Google Scholar h-index is 30 and his i10-index is 68, which puts him among the most highly cited software engineering researchers of his generation. A recent bibliometric assessment of Software Engineering scholars has ranked him 2nd in the world and 1st in Canada, in the category Most Active Early Stage Researchers. His research has drawn exceptional support, and to date he has received over $2.5 million in research funding from diverse sources, including NSERC Discovery, the NSERC Discovery Supplement Award, NSERC Engage, NSERC Collaborative Research and Development, FRQ-IVADO Research Chairs, and Mitacs.

Professor Khomh is also a great mentor and teacher. In 2016 he was recognized with the Best Graduate Teaching Award by Polytechnique Montreal. He has supervised or co-supervised seven PhD students, eleven MSc students, and ten undergraduate students. Three of his PhD students were nominated for the Best PhD Thesis Award of Polytechnique Montréal and one of them won the prize of Best Computer Science and Software Engineering PhD Thesis of Polytechnique Montréal.

Professor Khomh serves on the program committees and editorial boards of several international conferences and top international journals in software engineering and has received Distinguished Reviewer Awards from conferences, including WCRE, and journals, including TOSEM. He is program chair for Satellite Events at SANER 2015, program co-chair of SCAM 2015, ICSME 2018, PROMISE 2019, and ICPC 2019, and general chair of SCAM 2020, SANER 2020, and ICPC 2018. He is on the steering committee of SANER, ICPC (chair), PROMISE, MSR, and ICSME (vice-chair).

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