Elisa Baniassad

Dr. Elisa Baniassad is an award-winning Associate Professor of Teaching at the University of British Columbia. She has demonstrated continued and sustained excellence in the classroom through teaching, developing curriculum, and innovating several of UBC’s core undergraduate Software Engineering courses. These innovations have included transitioning our second-year Software Engineering course to edX pre-pandemic to allow for greater in-class active learning, and further enhancing the course with Mastery Learning. Uniquely for teaching-focused faculty, Dr. Baniassad also supervises graduate students. With these students, she developed and deployed an enhanced project for our third-year Software Engineering course built around mutation testing. She applies a rigorous scientific process to her teaching, carefully instrumenting and evaluating her pedagogical innovations so they can be isolated and disseminated to the community through her many top-tier conference papers. Finally, Dr. Baniassad is a leader in our department, the university, and internationally, continually working to advance and improve Computer Science Education.
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