Alec Jacobson
- University of Toronto
Dr. Alec Jacobson is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Toronto, where he also holds an appointment as Canada Research Chair in Geometry Processing. Alec’s world-leading research on shape deformations, robust mesh tetrahedralization, and deep learning functions has had a profound impact on such diverse fields as architecture, structural engineering, and theater. He has published over 40 papers in the very top venues in computer graphics (ACM TOG/SIGGRAPH), computer vision (CVPR), human-computer interaction (ACM SIGCHI), and machine learning (NeurIPS), including several landmark SIGGRAPH papers. In addition to his exceptional research accomplishments, Alec has an outstanding track record as a scientific leader; among other things, he served as technical program co-chair for the 2020 Symposium on Geometry Processing and is currently an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics, the premier computer graphics journal. He also led the development of libigl, a geometry processing library that is widely used in both academia and industry, and founded the virally successful Toronto Geometry Colloquium, a web series on geometry processing. Alec’s extraordinary achievements have garnered numerous prestigious awards, including a Sloan Research Fellowship, ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award, Eurographics Significant Young Researcher Award, and Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Geometry Processing Dataset Award.