Abram Hindle
University of Alberta
Dr. Abram Hindle joined the University of Alberta’s Department of Computing Science in 2011, but despite his relatively short academic career, he is already considered a well-known Canadian researcher in Software Engineering. His main research interests are in using natural language processing to understand software code and in managing energy consumption of software artifacts. The impact of his research in the former area can be well exemplified by his invited research highlight article published in Communications of the ACM last year. Within the latter area one can cite the coveted ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award given at last year’s International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) as clear evidence of this research impact. Dr. Hindle is also an excellent teacher, having been recognized multiple times by the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Science. He is an avid participant in and contributor to many special interest groups related to computing science in Edmonton, and, in terms of scientific service, Dr. Hindle has been performing well above average for his rank, for instance, besides often being a PC member for the top Software Engineering conferences, he will be the co-PC Chair for the upcoming 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, a clear recognition of his scientific stature among his peers.