Postdoctoral Fellow
Dalhousie University
Dr. Marwa A. Elsayed is an NSERC postdoc fellow tenured at Dalhousie University. Previously, she worked as a postdoc fellow at Queen’s School of Computing, where she received her Ph.D. degree in November 2018. Her research interests focus on Cybersecurity spanning the areas of Cloud Computing, Big Data Systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced network technologies. Her work aims at developing secure software systems and cutting-edge solutions to pressing security issues to achieve core security requirements (Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability). Dr. Elsayed has received several academic recognitions and three best paper awards at top international conferences. These awards shaped her passion for being an active member of the ACM-W in North America, Canada Chapter subcommittee, and the Women in Cybersecurity Ontario Chapter, where she is taking the lead in initiating a unified student chapter in Atlantic Canada at Dalhousie University to inspire and empower female students in the STEM field and Cybersecurity. Her mission is driven by challenging inequality, calling out bias, questioning stereotypes, and helping forge an inclusive environment for her colleagues and students. More information about her is available at